The Lockeland Springs Historic Neighborhood is a turn-of-the-century streetcar suburb two miles northeast of downtown Nashville. In 1786, this land was granted by the State of North Carolina to Daniel Williams, in payment for service in the Revolutionary War. The first house in the area was the log cabin Williams built on the site of the present Lockeland School. Later, country estates dotted the landscape: Lockeland, Lynnlawn, Edgewood, and Springside, to name a few. Subdivision of these estates began in the 1870’s, and the building of the Woodland Street Bridge in 1886 and the introduction of electric streetcars spurred suburban development.
By 1890, electric streetcar lines linked east Nashville with downtown. Prior to this, only the wealthy could afford to commute from their estates to the other side of the Cumberland River. Access was further facilitated by the construction of the Sparkman (Shelby) Street Bridge in 1909. Lockeland Springs was annexed to the City of Nashville in 1905.
The Lockeland Springs Neighborhood Association is a progressive organization that has worked to improve and promote our historic neighborhood and to protect the quality of life for our diverse group of residents. In years past, the LSNA has sponsored many events, including landscaping projects at Lockeland School, Holly Street Firehall, and the East Branch Public Library; numerous neighborhood tree-planting days, alley clean-up projects, and annual Tour of Homes. The LSNA has donated funds to start an historic preservation collection at our neighborhood library, spearheaded the organization of a PTO at Lockeland School, and formed a Neighborhood Watch Program for its eleven hundred residents. Meetings are held quarterly on the third Thursday, and include speakers on such topics as East Nashville Development, greenways and parks, school issues, and historically appropriate landscaping.
Come, get involved.