Neighborhood Cleanup on April 13th

Save the date! On Saturday, April 13 we’ll be hosting this year’s Community + Clean Up event at Bass Park (1602 Holly Street)  (Important: Rain contingency info listed below.)

Last year’s event was a huge success and we’d love to build on it and make this year’s even better. We’ll be collecting trash around the neighborhood in support of April’s Earth Day celebration followed by a neighborhood party .

We’ll be meeting at Bass Park at 8:30 AM to head out into the neighborhood to pick up trash (bags and trash grabbers provided) followed by a neighborhood party (also at Bass Park) where we’ll have a bounce house, face painting and other activities for kids. Grilled hot dogs – and vegan dogs – will be provided.

So mark your calendars, invite your neighbors, and we look forward to seeing you at this event intended to help beautify Lockeland Springs and build greater community amongst neighbors. If you have questions, email

Please RSVP if possible so that can make sure we have enough supplies for all attendees, or let us know on our Facebook event page if you are planning to attend. See you there!

Rain information for Saturday’s event:

If it’s just raining (no thunder and lightning) we’ll proceed with the cleanup followed by the party at our gracious rain-contingency-hosts, The Church at Lockeland Springs, which is directly across the street from the original Bass Park location at 1601 Holly Street. We’ll meet at the church at 8:30 AM to sign in, get cleanup supplies and be assigned a cleanup area. Clean up will be 9-11 followed by the party from 11-1.

If there’s thunder/lightning, we’ll SKIP the cleanup and meet at The Church at Lockeland Springs (1601 Holly Street) at 11 for the party.

If you have any questions, please email